Air Sterilizer 0260VI



Product Size:330 x 330 x 800 mm
Case Material:ABS+VCM Metal Board
Power Supply: 220-240V
Rated Power:115W
Coverage Area:50-90m2

Product Features

  • Combined Carbon & HEPA Filter: Utilizes both activated carbon and HEPA filtration to capture 99.97% of particles, including allergens, pollutants, and odors.
  • Comprehensive Pollutant Elimination: Effectively removes a wide range of pollutants such as methanol, benzene, TVOC, CO, NH3, O3, chlorine, and more for cleaner air.
  • UV-C Sterilization: Incorporates UV-C light technology to sterilize and neutralize bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms in the air.
  • Negative Ion Generation: Emits negative ions to freshen and purify the air, helping to reduce airborne particles and improve overall air quality.
  • WiFi Connectivity: Allows for remote control and monitoring of the air purifier via WiFi connection, providing convenience and flexibility in operation.
  • 360-Degree Castors: Equipped with castors for easy mobility and maneuverability, enabling you to move the purifier around your space effortlessly.
  • Multiple Operating Modes: Offers auto mode for automatic adjustment based on air quality, sleep mode for quiet operation at night, and timer mode for customizable operation schedules.

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